Are you or your child constantly looking for the best angle, composition and lighting? Do you love to express yourself through photography? Have you captured a moment in time that deserves sharing? In celebration of the outstanding images captured everyday in our neighbourhood, we are running a contest for children and adults to enter their favourite photos in any of three categories.
Our environment: this category celebrates the beauty of our environment throughout the seasons of our parks, ravines and trees worth preserving and protecting.
Our people: this category encourages residents to capture moments with family and/or neighbours, enjoying life and the special moments together.
Our pets: this category is an opportunity to capture our furry friends making us smile.
The contest is divided into three age ranges of NRRA households: • age 13 and under • age 14-18 • age 18+ •
Please submit your photos with your Name, Category and Age Range before April 30th, 2021 to: photo@northrosedale.ca • Judging to take place in early May 2021 • Winners will be announced the end of May 2021.
Photos will be showcased on the North Rosedale Website. The NRRA would appreciate the ability to profile photos in communication materials.
The Winners for each category will receive a $25 local Summerhill vendors gift certificate.