NRRA Newsletter – Winter 2019
Volume 17 | Issue 1
Winter 2019|20
Winter is here!
That was fast.
Well it is time for our Fall/Winter North Rosedale Residents Newsletter for 2019/20
and your NRRA volunteer board members have been working to serve our community
with the goal of gradually and continually improving our delightful neighbourhood,
coined “A Village in the City”. We continue our work on priority heritage files, Glen
Road reconstruction issues, Rosedale Park improvements, and neighbourhood safety
through our Street Captain program, whilst working to keep our members abreast of
new developments at City Hall such as the proposed City-wide blanket permit parking
earlier this year. The NRRA has a strong and active working relationship with our
Councillor Mike Layton and his staff and meet regularly with them and surrounding
local residents’ associations in Ward 11 to discuss issues affecting our communities. We
also actively collaborate with neighbouring residents’ associations on such initiatives as
Heritage, Ravines, and the most recent Federal Candidates Debate in October.
Furthermore, the NRRA is active in broader reaching umbrella organizations such as
the Federation of North Toronto Residents’ Associations, Community of Resident and
Ratepayer Associations and the Community Police Liaison Committee. Our community
engagement committee is planning a number of events for the end of 2019 and into
2020, such as a December Skating Party, which provide a wonderful opportunity to
meet your neighbours, old and new. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to
share your ideas with us at
Finally, we are working to make it easier to sign up to be a member and to re-new your
membership. We are very grateful to all those who join and renew annually. If you have not
joined or renewed this year we’ve just made it is as easy as an Interac email transfer to or PayPal of $50 per year or $140 for 3 years. Cheques are also
accepted – Payable to North Rosedale Residents’ Association and pop it into the mail
addressed to Kathy Falconi, NRRA Treasurer, 60 Douglas Drive, Toronto, Ont. M4W 2B3.
We look forward to seeing you enjoy our Village in the City.
Jean Anderson & Karen Powell
Co-Presidents, North Rosedale Residents’ Association